Luckily, Luc Besson has just enough notoriety left over to stimulate a bit of interest in his films. Had that not remained the case, then this derivative effort would probably never have seen the light of day. It tells the tale of the young model "Anna" (Sasha Luss) who is recruited by "Tchenkov" (Luke Evans) and his boss "Olga" (Dame Helen Mirren) to work for the KGB. She has the looks, the beauty - and the ninja skills, and is soon proving very effective and attracting the attention of the CIA in the form of "Miller" (Cillian Murphy). Quickly she, he, and her Soviet mentor are all caught up in a rather predictable game of cat and mouse. This has got really nothing to help it to stand out or to redeem the repetitive nature of the story. Fight, escape, fight, escape... It's all so routine, and frankly dull. Evans and Dame Helen deliver accents that are as thick as last months Tiramisu and though she does enter into the spirit off her character, Luss just doesn't cut through at all as the ambidextrous and glamorous assassin. It's almost two hours of your life, so I'd think carefully about whether to not you might need to be doing the ironing instead?