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over 2 years ago

2-Headed Shark Attack

a review by The Movie Mob

Two-Headed Shark Attack forgot it was a dumb Syfy creature film and took itself too seriously - bad idea.

I am a massive fan of low-budget, cheesy shark movies. So when I saw a goofy new shark movie named Two-Headed Shark Attack, I was obviously mesmerized. Part of the charm and delight of these shark movies is the self-awareness and love of the ridiculous goofiness that makes this subgenre so fun. Unfortunately, Two-Headed Shark Attack took itself too seriously to rise to the nonsensical fun of movies like Sharknado and Ghost Shark. This movie was smart to have plenty of expendable characters, but the kills were all the same; so much shaky cam and quick cuts that it lost any of its fun. With actors like Carmen Electra, Brooke Hogan, and Charlie O'Connell and something as ridiculous as a 2-headed shark, this movie should have cranked up the cheese, but instead, it hardly even acknowledges the mutant shark. I was bored... that is the true death sentence of any lame shark film.