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over 2 years ago

The 355

a review by The Movie Mob

While The 355 might not have been a stand-out blockbuster of a film, it still was enjoyable.

The 355 hit almost every line of dialogue and every typical character type you have seen in a spy movie but still found a way to entertain its audience, even if it was only slightly entertaining. The cast was stellar, and the performances were solid. Unfortunately, the 355 stumbles with a stale, unimaginative script that is incredibly predictable and keeps the peril and danger from feeling very perilous or dangerous. I didn’t finish the movie feeling I had wasted my time, but I couldn’t say I would recommend it. Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong’o, and the rest of the cast seemed to have fun working on this project together, and their chemistry was entertaining. Still, the trite dialogue kept all of it from being great. I wish The 355 had been trusted with a bigger budget and a more experienced director. It had enough strengths that even with all its flaws, it was a decent film, but it could have easily been a great movie.