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over 2 years ago

She's Out of My League

a review by The Movie Mob

She’s Out of My League is edgier than need be with language and some of the humor, but in the end, it’s a solid rom-com that isn’t fun for the whole family but definitely fun for some.

I’m not typically a fan of rated-R comedies because of the over-the-top sensuality, inappropriateness, and frequent nudity. While She’s Out of My League definitely has inappropriate jokes and suggestive moments, the movie plays more towards the awkwardness of dating rather than the sexuality of the movie’s stars and avoids nudity altogether. The focus on the embarrassing, awkward normalness of the main character leads to hilarious situations and laugh-out-loud moments. She’s Out of My League could have been one of my all-time favorites if it had toned down the raunchiness a little further, but the spotlight on goofiness and an ending with some heart and sincerity make it my favorite R-rated rom-com.