This is a fun vehicle for Norman Wisdom that starts out quite amiably. He works for his boss "Grimsdale" (Edward Chapman) delivering the milk from his horse-drawn float early each morning. One day, though, he discovers all their empties broken and a new supplier "Consolidated Dairies" taking over his patch. Thwarted at every turn by their supercilious general manager "Hunter" (Jerry Desmonde) and his peak-capped henchman "Austin" (Bryan Pringle) it falls to poor old "Pitkin" to save the day, the business and his job! The beginning works well with a sort of gunfight at OK corral scenario between the two milkmen that clears the street quicker than a thunderstorm. Thereafter, though, the joke wears a bit thin and the story resorts a little too much to slapstick - especially on the golf course - for my liking before descending a little too quickly into the preposterous where it loses much of it's charm and the horse starts to steal all the scenes! It's also a bit on the long side. Perhaps some more ruthless use of the razor blade in the cutting room could have tightened it up bit and kept the pace a bit better concentrated? Wisdom did have great comedy timing and a very expressive face, though, there are giggle moments here for us to enjoy and even a semblance of the Dunkirk spirit! I could just have done with a bit more of that!