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over 2 years ago

Nic Cage proves himself a classy, good-natured, down-to-earth star by poking fun at himself and his career while making a delightfully funny film.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a hilarious meta ride filled with goofy charm and outrageous comedy. Nic Cage made this movie possible and wonderful - both because the movie is a parody of his career and because he was willing to be a good sport and play an exaggerated crazier version of himself. The story bears some similarities to Hot Fuzz as characters unknowingly discuss upcoming plot points that come later in the film. The whole thing is bonkers, entertaining, good-hearted, and silly. Pedro Pascal expands his acting range by playing an obsessed Nic Cage fan that boosts the comedy further by matching Cage's manic craze with sincere adoration and enthusiasm. As a Nic Cage fan, I laughed out loud repeatedly. As an action-comedy fan, it's a pretty funny and enjoyable way to spend an hour.