The handsome, but wooden as a board, Scott Adkins ("John") wakes from a coma after his wife and daughter are brutally murdered before his eyes in his kitchen! For some reason he was left alive, and he determines on vengeance against "Devereaux" (Jean-Claude Van Damme). He, meantime, is teaming up with "Scott" (Dolph Lundgren) and the pair are working to establish a new world order run by him and his fellow "UniSols" with only the strongest destined to survive and take on the government. "John" meantime is closing in on his protagonist, but as he does he begins to doubt what he believes. Is he being manipulated too? This moves along well with plenty of action and combat scenes but the characterisations are well past their use-by-dates now. Neither Lundgren nor Van Damme are anywhere near their best, the dialogue is clunky at best and Adkins, well his looks were all anyone could ever say he had enough of to merit on-screen time. The ending is predictable, though colourful, and as I finished this fourth outing I prayed that we won't have another. Repetitive and tired, sorry.