Well there is a hewn-out pumpkin that looks ever so slightly scary... Otherwise, this is just one "Halloween" movie too many and it's only scream yells "put me out of my misery" pretty much from the start of this slow and plodding denouement to the franchise. Rohan Campbell ("Corey") is bullied by some kids who end up shoving him from a bridge. He is dragged into the storm drains by you know who and emerges a man possessed. He has also attached himself to "Allyson" (Andi Matichak) who just happens to be the daughter of long suffering "Laurie" (Jamie Lee Curtis) and after a bit of hysteric family melodrama, all of her demons are flee-flowing and we are heading, slowly and ponderously to a conclusion that the best of which has already been seen many times in the trailers. This is far too long, virtually nothing happens until the last fifteen minutes and even then, there isn't even the vaguest hint of menace or jeopardy. The production is adequate, but JLC doesn't really feature often enough - as in "Halloween Kills" (2021) to make much impact - and the whole thing is episodic and smacks of made for television. Please let it be the final instalment - this bears no resemblance whatsoever to the original 1978 introduction to "Myers" et al.