movie backdrop

over 2 years ago


a review by Nathan

Beast had its moments where I was left gripping the arms of my chair at the edge of my seat, but the majority of film had me verbally laughing at the poor character writing. This movie does a lot right, don't get me wrong. The buildup to the encounter was done really well. You get a great introduction to all the characters and the individual struggles they go through due to the loss of Dr. Nate Daniels wife; it gives a baseline for the viewer to be able to relate and sympathize with the character. The action is pretty decent, and I was really impressed with the CGI work done on the lion. But, once the climax ensues the writing goes downhill, mainly in terms of character decision making. I found that the writers did not really know how to create unique situations to put the characters in with the lion, resulting in baffling decision to prolong the duration of the film. At every turn, a solution is so easily in view, but they do something that is such a right turn that it is unbelievable. The performance of Idris Alba really pulls the score up though. He does a fantastic job and portrays the loving and protecting nature of a father so well. I enjoyed his cool calm collected nature during high pressure scenes, it gave a sense of reality to him being a doctor. Overall, this film is not great, but it was entertaining, and I had a good time.

Score: 65% | Verdict: Decent