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over 2 years ago

Red Notice

a review by The Movie Mob

Red Notice might be imperfect, but it is definitely enjoyable with its mega-star cast and grand adventure.

Red Notice is a fun adventure film with the biggest stars, beautiful locations, and spectacular effects while missing the mark in a few places. Still, it is an entertaining movie that is wildly enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously. With a cast boasting three of the most sought-after A-Listers of its day, Red Notice wisely focuses on these characters giving each actor a chance to grace the screen with their unique charm. The movie advances rapidly from action set piece to action set piece. The moments in between are filled with Reynolds and Johnson's playful banter that is funny but not as natural as Kevin Hart's chemistry with Dwayne Johnson. Ryan Reynolds does a great job playing his character that fits his strengths, but there are times when Johnson and Gadot's characters start to venture into Batman and Robin levels of cheesiness. Yes, Red Notice has flaws, but it really is an enjoyable film, and I look forward to its sequels.