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over 2 years ago

Don't Worry Darling

a review by r96sk

I thought this was great.

I only knew of the off-screen drama about 'Don’t Worry Darling', thankfully I hadn't read or seen anything at all about the plot - which, obviously, helped my enjoyment. As such, I was extremely interested in the first chunk of this. It builds up nicely, revealing details here and there. The ending isn't as strong but I still dig it, don't get me wrong.

The cast are terrific, even if Florence Pugh completely wipes the floor with her co-stars... and I don't mean that negatively on them one bit, it's simply a case of Pugh giving an outstanding performance. This is only the third film of her's that I've seen... gotta watch more!

Away from Pugh, I was impressed by Harry Styles. He can act. I will say, though, that Shia LaBeouf would've been greater in the role though. Elsewhere, Olivia Wilde (also dir.), Chris Pine and Gemma Chan do good things.

Is it a perfect film? Not at all. Is it entertaining? Sure is. Each to their own, but I thoroughly enjoyed this 2022 release.