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over 2 years ago

The World Is Not Enough

a review by The Movie Mob

One of my favorite Bond films with surprising villains, more profound character development, great action, and a fitting farewell to a beloved character.

The World Is Not Enough's massive box office success resulted from its excellent villains, beautiful filming locations, great characters, and endearing send-off of Desmond Llewelyn. This Bond film surprised with a masterminding, manipulative, and powerful female antagonist (the first in the Bond franchise since From Russia with Love in 1963). Sophie Marceau's portrayal of Electra King was innocent and vulnerable while cunning and ruthless - one of the best Bond villains of the last 30 years. The World Is Not Enough develops its female characters much more than a typical Bond movie by spending time exploring Elektra's complex character and introducing a confident, guarded, and beautiful nuclear physicist, Christmas Jones. Denise Richards' Dr. Jones isn't a helpless damsel but partners with Bond to stop catastrophe rather than immediately falling for his charms. Pierce Brosnan returned to his iconic role balancing his suave charm with icy brutality. Without a doubt, Brosnan is my favorite Bond. The action stands out as one of the best action offerings of the 1990s, and the pacing keeps the movie thrilling and engaging. The World Is Not Enough is a great Bond film with an exceptional villain and a friendly farewell to a series great.