movie backdrop

over 2 years ago


a review by thecrustycurmudgeon

o.m.g - one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Please don't pay to see this film!

Idris Elba is generally mediocre anyway, but he can put on an acceptable performance with a decent script and concept. Sadly, neither was available to him in this bumbling, tragic, and failed effort to create dramatic cinema.

I'm amazed that anyone could create a movie based on such a predictable and often used concept and do it so badly. One poorly contrived scene after another, belief is not just suspended, but abandoned entirely to piece together a cartoonish presentation of sappy ideas and bad cgi. The script is equally dreary, simplistic, and filled with mostly predictable chatter, until it suddenly leaps off the cliff of reality and into the void of astoundingly stupid. Sadly, that happens far too often.

Don't bother going to the cinema to see this. Wait a few weeks for it to get relegated to Pluto TV, Amazon Prime Video, or Freevee. Honestly, it won't take long.