movie backdrop

over 2 years ago


a review by d54.pod

Full review:

Jordan Peele's 'Nope; comes in with some big expectations due to Peele's previous work. 'Get Out' shifted the paradigm for horror movies, taking a genre which has historically been associated with a temporary experience of thrill and adrenaline, to being social commentaries on society and raising some deeper questions about ourselves in the process of watching his stories unfold.

Nope is no exception, and in fact it can be argued that it attempts to combine story, metaphor and meaning in a more ambitious way than his previous outings. Taking the central theme of 'spectacle', Peele beautifully illustrates its dangers and how we as a society are so obsessed with the spotlight to our own detriment (and even int he worst cases, eventual demise). Choosing a more science fiction approach this time around, Peele does a great job of story telling, and often subvert's out expectations time and time again in the process. Aside from the film's deeper meaning, some of the other highlights come in the form of the cinematography and performances from the central characters (mostly notably, OJ, Emerald and Angel). Peele has managed to create some complex characters which are highly relatable, and the chemistry between the actors is something which will be a lasting memory for me.

However, I do feel that the film does sacrifice plot and narrative in its relentless effort to hammer in the metaphor of the central theme - 'Spectacle'. While I did enjoy each story (OJ and the Animal Alien and Gordie and Jupe), I had a hard time understanding the relationship they had with each other from a narrative point of view. It often felt like two stories could have been played out better without the interference of the other. Other than that I did have some questions around OJ's motivations to tame / kill this animal, the legitimacy of the final impossible shot, the nature and behaviour the animal, and how / if OJ survived (or was this open for interpretation?). The ending of the film also was a slight let down with the death of the animal not being all that grand. This however could also be tied into the overall message of 'Spectacle' as the finale is often not worth the what we expect it to be.

Overall, I think Nope is a very good movie which will probably get better with a few re-watches to fully appreciate what Peele was trying to tell us.