movie backdrop

over 2 years ago


a review by MovieGuys

They said it and you wont hear me disagreeing with it. Did I find it entertaining? "nope". Did I feel the story was cohesive and comprehensible, with a clear contextual message? "nope". Were characterisations relatable and relevant? "Sort of".

Nope's characterisations are moderately relatable but somehow, also seem to appear oddly misconstrued. The mostly monosyllabic cowboy character, for example, only adds to the sense of ambiguity (perhaps that's the idea).To my mind however, this ploy, if that's what it is, stifles development, of the already ambiguous, story line. The sister, his complete antithesis, is superficially verbose but seems equally, to lack any depth of self awareness.

The only thing I can say conclusively about Nope, is the visuals are compelling, complex and, at times, almost intricate. This film certainly scores a A+ in this regard.

That said, so much else is lacking, in particular a clearly articulated narrative, that it failed to resonate, with me.

In summary, I found Nope a frustrating, dissatisfying watch. Somewhat reminiscent of M. Night" Shyamalan films Nope is visually stunning but does not offer up enough morsels of knowledge, leaving this viewer hungry for more.