movie backdrop

over 2 years ago

Man Up

a review by Peter McGinn

This was okay overall. The leads seemed like an unlikely pair at the outset but they started to connect and feel more like a potential couple. The film seemed to contain scenes from the largely forgotten era of gross-out movies, the dialogue ay least, with too many blow job jokes and references. Once or twice and you might get a smile out of me, but after that it just gets tiresome. That and normalizing a guy who is a stalker and an all around perv. The story was a little too nice to him in the end.

But there was enough humor, wit and charm to keep me watching. I recognized a couple of the performers but wasn’t sure from where. Upon looking them up I found they had both been in Jane Austen-based movies over 20 years ago. One of the pleasures of watching British films and tv and seeing familiar faces reappearing.

So even though I stuck with it, I probably won’t watch this again. There are just too many really good rom-coms out there.