I've been a huge X-Men fan for many years. I especially loved the comic dark Phoenix saga. This movie was a travesty. It was a train wreck from the moment it started and never got any better only got worse. It had nothing to do with the storyline of dark Phoenix like in the comics. The lineup wasnt the same... No wolverine, no hellfire club... I can go on and on and pick this movie apart but I really don't have the time nor do I wish to. Simply put dark Phoenix sucks. The only saving grace to this film is James McAvoy who even in this movie was overshadowed by the stupidity of The angst. It's a shame they didn't do the true story of dark Phoenix because that would have been a good movie. I thought at the end of apocalypse when you see the Phoenix rise from out of Jean you would get that in this movie but it seems that whoever wrote the script and whoever directed this decided that the stupid teeny angst bullcrap was more important than the true story of who dark Phoenix was. Avoid this movie.