I vaguely recall a news story some years ago about the discovery of an whole load of old masters in the room of a gent who had hoarded them after the end off WWII. Maybe that is what inspired this otherwise shockingly weak and far-fetched detective thriller. The cringingly poor Emile Hirsch ("Cardillo") is posted to Puerto Rico after a fatal accident killed his cop-girlfriend. It is here, teamed up with "Jess" (Stephanie Cayo) that they become embroiled in a heist, in the midst of an hurricane, that sees them held hostage by some ruthless robbers in search of a room full of art in an ordinary residential block. Luckily, though, retired officer "Ray" (Mel Gibson) is on hand to help them survive. What Gibson is doing in this is anyone's guess. It is a poorly paced, shockingly derivative affair that has all the hallmarks of a college project, just with a bit more cash. The dialogue is puerile and lacks style or humour, indeed the whole thing just lacks... There is the slight menace of a beastie kept behind a very securely locked door - but sadly we have to wait til the very end before that comes into play. Too little too late. There are millions of movies out there if you are bored. This one - don't bother.