Now this is a much better outing for our IMF pals - much sharper pace and direction than the meandering "Ghost Protocol". This one sees "Ethan" (Tom Cruise) with "Luther" (Ving Rhames) and the still frequently irritating Simon Pegg ("Benji") having to track down some plutonium balls after an earlier mission went a bit awry, and before lunatic ecologist Sean Harris ("Solomon Lane") commits an atrocity to end all atrocities in the name of creating a new world order! The first twenty minutes are poor; predictable and formulaic and I will admit to having started to write it off, Once Henry Cavill ("August Walker") joins the gang, however, and they start to search for the missing cores it becomes fast-moving, action-packed and enjoyable - with plenty of crosses and double-crosses. Rebecca Ferguson still always comes across the same, whomever she plays, but that works for this one and the team spirit really comes across. Sure, it isn't going to win a Booker for the writing, but it travels the world showing off some fine locations (many of which are actually left intact, afterwards!!) before heading to an exciting denouement with helicopters and Cruise's favourite mountain-top pinnacle combat. All good stuff.