This is certainly one of the more distinctive efforts from John Wayne, as he portrays "Dan Somers", a cowboy at the turn of the 20th century who decides that he can make some money prospecting for oil. His plan is to work with the local Indians in Oklahoma to develop their lands, but he faces stiff competition from local oilman "Jim Gardner" (Albert Dekker) who has designs on the lands himself - only on much less preferential terms to the owners... Thanks to a little bit of luck, and a friend in high places, "Dan" gets the chance - but can he discover the oil and get it to market in time? It's an engaging performance from the Duke, this - he has a bit more character than in many of his earlier roles - the dialogue a little more personable and his undoubted charisma is given more of a chance to shine through. I always think Wayne and Errol Flynn had one thing in common - both thrived when supported by a stalwart cast whom they worked with regularly. Here, the always enthusiastic contribution of "Gabby" Hayes helps keep the film rollicking along nicely, and though Martha Scott's "Cathy" offers little by way of substance, she still manages to add a little extra to this oily version of David and Goliath - especially as both men are keen on her. I'd certainly put this in his top ten...