Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara are on good form for this 17th century pirate tale. When Sir Henry Morgan (Laird Cregar) is appointed Governor of Jamaica by the king, he is charged with bringing order to the lawless seas of the Caribbean. United with his friend "Capt. Jamie" (Power) he takes over from George Zucco's "Lord Denby", who just happens to have a rather feisty daughter "Margaret" (O'Hara). Pretty quickly the dashing "Jamie" is a bit smitten with her and the two develop a sort of can't stand to be with/without you sort of rapport! Meantime, sceptical fellow captain "Leech" (a slightly out of shape George Sanders) is having none of this new world order, and working in cahoots with a well placed spy is hoovering up the loot from some prize merchant ships. Facing impeachment in Kingston, it falls to Morgan and his loved-up sidekick to impose law and order. It's quite an enjoyable swashbuckling adventure, this. There are some good character parts for Zucco, Cregan and the always reliable Thomas Mitchell ("Billy Blue") with plenty of sword play and the romance between the two stars is entertaining rather than sentimental. Nobody's best work, but still a perfectly watchable 90 minutes of colourful and entertaining action on the high seas.