Relegated to a fun-fair exhibit, "Tonto" (Johnny Depp) regales a young visitor with tales of his adventures with the eponymous, somewhat green and naive, lawyer "John Reid" (Armie Hammer). It all started when "Tonto" rescues "Reid" after he was ambushed by the nasty "Butch Cavendish" (William Fichtner). Together with his famed white horse they now set out to right this wrong and bring this evil man to justice. What now ensues just isn't very good. It's a sort of loosely hung together series of escapades with the easy enough on the eye Hammer just far too lightweight to bring even a modicum of charisma to the role. Depp is just recreating his "Jack Sparrow" characterisation - just with a white pained face; and the adventure elements are predictable and frankly rather dull. It has an almost slapstick nature to it; the dialogue tries to be pithy but in the end depends too much on the style of delivery from Depp - and I found that style repetitive and unimaginative. It culminates quite entertainingly, to be fair, but this film is just way too dependant on one single character and it just didn't work well for me. At just shy of 2½ hours, it is far too long too. Maybe 45 minutes less with more emphasis on the action and a better screenplay might have helped, but as it is - this is a long, empty, watch that borders on the spoof. Fans of Depp may well disagree, but for the rest of us this is merely a vehicle for him - and not a very good one at that.