This is a quite an entertaining little comic romance with two bored, wealthy, people who have little else to day all day other than get up, bathe, dress, eat, dress, eat then go back to bed again. Though not officially affianced, "Iris" (Leatrice Joy) and "Richard" (Conrad Nagel) are certainly expected to get married by their peers. Shock horror when she marries her chauffeur and he the daughter of a laundress. Imagine the scandal! That's where the comedy comes in - the sheer effrontery of their behaviour causes conniptions amongst their families and friends and takes a cracking great swipe at predetermined elements of social class and happiness. Julia Faye is quite good as Nagel's rather malevolent sister "Elsie", as is Edith Roberts as his hard-working wife "Shamrock". It's short, with some quite lengthy - but still pithy - inter-titles that maybe over-narrate the story at times, but De Mille doesn't stop for breath from the start to the finish and presents us with an enjoyable, borderline farce, that I rather enjoyed.