Is it in the song "American Pie" where Don McLean sings "Fire is the Devil's only friend"? Well, I hate to contradict him, but I am afraid time travel is also one of his allies - especially when it is handled in quite such a derivative fashion as this. This time Arnie returns from the future to protect the under-the-radar drifter "Connor" (Nick Stahl) and his as yet unknown, future, wife "Kate" (Claire Danes) from another, much more state of the art "Terminator" - the "T-X" (Kristanna Loken). The plot thickens when we discover that her father is an US Air Force general in charge of an whole load of military tech and that baddies Skynet hope to be able to manipulate the past and take control of the defences leaving the nation open to attack from even more of their deadly machines. Could they be re-inventing their own future - on their own, dastardly, terms? Well, of course the original T-1000 (our friendly, neighbourhood, "Terminator") is determined to work with "Connor" and the now remarkably adept with weaponry "Kate" to ensure that this catastrophe is thwarted. Nope, there is not the slightest amount of menace or jeopardy here at all. You might as well just watch the last ten minutes and confirm what you knew was going to happen from the start of this completely unnecessary sequel. The horse has been well and truly flogged; the action scenes - though impressive enough on the VFX front - are all repetitively predictable and frankly rather dull. Neither Stahl nor Danes really fit into their roles particularly well, and strong as he is, Mr. Schwarzenegger can only do so much of the heavy lifting before even his broad shoulders get too tired to prop the whole thing up. Mark Famiglietti provides a bit of eye candy, but otherwise this is all poorly written and delivered, forgettable, stuff that just about passes OK the time in front of the telly.