Nothing in this movie makes any sense. If he has to drink a bag of blood every 6 hours, why not just do so? The human populace of how many billion people can not sustain a single vampire? No, he makes and consumes artificial blood for ethical reasons. Who says he needs to kill or hurt people to get what he needs? Horrible premise for his actions, not believable at all. And the rest of the story is the same. Weird decision making, boring, pointless dialogue. The bad guy is suddenly bad lacking any morals because he was bullied once apparently. Vampire powers are a myriad of random things. One time he is able to fly and it is hard to determine why exactly, the movie suggests because a subway train is pushing the air in front of it. Not only is it nonsense, it also looks bad CGI wise. To end on a good note, Jared Leto is a great actor and I would love to finally see him in a good movie.