With Dual, the story beats are a bit predictable but Karen Gillan’s purposely flat yet absorbing performance and the sheer thought of having to face yourself in a duel to the death while some clone imposter takes over your life make the film worthwhile. It’s definitely a different kind of film outside of the mainstream, but it also falls slightly short of expectations. Riley Stearns is capable of being funny and has proven that before in the past, but Dual fails to really capitalize on being laugh out loud funny. It’s an unorthodox twist on a familiar concept that attempts to dive into unexplored territory. However, Dual isn't able to fully immerse itself in the offbeat absurdities that tend to make Riley Stearns films so enjoyable.
Full review: https://hubpages.com/entertainment/Dual-2022-Review-The-Imitation-of-an-Eccentric-Film