At the end of the last film, we see "Ripley" (Sigourney Weaver) fall headline into a vat of what looks like molten lava, clutching her newborn - determined that neither shall survive. Well, luckily for all concerned, technology roars ahead and 200 years afterwards we have somehow managed to clone her - and her baby. Military plans for the killer beasties are the reason, but as we all know by now - nature finds a way, and after some dodgy DNA sequencing, they face an enemy that presents a terrifying hybrid of alien and human that could threaten Earth itself. It is up to her, whom the aliens still think is one of then, and a disparate bunch of space pirates to try to thwart the creatures - and to survive! This offers quite a shocking indictment of just how state-sponsored science, coupled with militaristic aspirations can lead to some hideous creations but aside from that rather obvious moral imperative, the rest of this is pretty routine. There is no shock left for us to feel; we have seen it all before and just like last time, the folks getting gobbled up are largely deserving of their fates. Winona Ryder's ("Call") adds a little quirkiness to the plot later on, but otherwise this is all just completely forgettable, churned out sci-fi that, though quite quickly paced and complete with some great special effects, offers nothing new.