I think this is better than the first film though I still find Patrick Stewart's "Picard"-in-a-chair character really irritating. Anyway, this time we have a good baddie in Scotsman Brian Cox ("Stryker"). He is a determined military man who manages to get the US President to give him carte blanche to take on and eliminate the mutants after a failed attempt to assassinate him in the White House. "Magneto" (Ian McKellen), meantime, is still locked up in his plastic prison but his shape-shifting blue protegé "Mystique" (Rebecca Romijn) concocts a cunning pan to free him; and just in time too! "Stryker" has discovered the existence of "Cerebro" and determined to control it, attacks the "Xavier" school neutralising many of the students and leaving only "Logan" (Hugh Jackman)," Scott" (James Marsden) and "Rogue" (Anna Paquin) to lead what's left of their team to extricate the now captured professor. Needs must, as they say, and an unlikely alliance forms with "Magneto", but will it hold and as we build to quite an exciting denouement, we realise that there is still plenty of scheming and plotting going on. Cox is not really a very versatile actor, but here he provides a solid fulcrum for a story that has plenty of action. There is much less emphasis on the moralising, hormonal, frat-style storyline of the 2000 version; the characters are older and better developed and can control, therefore use, their powers to more dramatic effect for those watching. The story is still a bit thinly predictable, but the visual effects team pull out all the stops keeping this 2¼ marathon moving along surprisingly effortlessly. I'm now very much in team "Magneto" - bring on X3!