Michael Caine must have needed another new swimming pool, otherwise what could have possessed him to turn up for this terribly poor sequel. We all start off with "Deputy Sean Brady" (Mitchell Anderson) sent to clear up some seaborne blockage before the fishing boats return. Needless to say, he encounters the distant cousin of his late father's menacing pal and is soon little more than tooth pickings. This hastens the arrival of the pretty but extremely bland Lance Guest as older brother "Michael" and guess what, the shark seems to have him on his sonar, too. Despite the fairly charismatic efforts of Caine, this whole thing is just nonsense from start to finish, made worse by Lorraine Gary's serious over-acting. There are just no scares. Even the legendary music has been mucked about with to ensure all trace of menace has been removed as surely as if by the (largely mechanical) shark itself. This is also a creature that seems to fancy it is in a "Tarzan" film, judging by it's fearful roaring. Either that, or maybe it is fed up because it has too much Brady stuck in it's incisors? To be fair, there is some fine underwater photography and I've never seen a shark eat a plane before - even one made of wafer biscuits, but sadly though nowhere near as bad as "Jaws 3" (1983), this is a sad end to the franchise that ought never to have been made.