When Mrs. Jumbo gets a gift from the stork, she is over the moon! Her youngster has everything just right, except - that is - he can wrap himself up in his own ears. The object of ridicule, she is soon locked up and he is reduced to being little better than a circus freak show attraction. Then fate takes a hand, and he meets the inspirational "Timothy Q. Mouse" who, after a bit of gentle persuasion, soon has our eponymous elephant thinking positively and his ears start to become a distinct advantage! The scene with the three crows is the stuff of cinema legend as is the Oliver Wallace and Ned Washington song "When I See an Elephant Fly". The original book is engaging and humorous, with a serious undercurrent about the damaging effects of mockery and scorn, and though Disney tones down these messages, they are still there for us to see, appreciate and hopefully remember in the wonderfully colourful and enjoyable animation - complete with pink elephants!