This has quite a fun premiss but I guess I'm just the wrong demographic because I really struggled to get through it. "Meilin" is a thirteen year old girl going through the usual teenage angst sort of stuff - only, when she gets agitated she morphs into a giant panda. A red one. Her mother "Ming" is a bit over-protective and when her daughter announces that she wants to go and see a boy-band concert with her friends, a war of wills ensues. It soon turns out that these transformation skills run in the family, and huge great angry pandas are not to be messed with. The animation is fine and Eilish/O'Connell have written some fitting, if hardly their most memorable, numbers, but it is just too long and the theme recycles itself once too often for my old eyes. Colourful enough, but for me it just re-emphasised why I am very, very, glad I am no longer 13! (or even 31!)