It is hard to write anything positive about Ad Astra but I shall try.: it does look great; the visual effects are unique in their brilliance and application, except, perhaps, for Star Trek, Star Wars, Mars, Starship Troopers, Battlestar Gallactica (you name it! ). The film moves along with the pace of a an elephant trudging through fudge (or something of a similar colour) and by about half an hour in, I found myself considering the cardinal sin of the cinema - looking at my phone for messages I knew I hadn't received since sitting down. As ever with these kind of films, I am grateful that their box office viability helps cinemas to stay afloat in times when many prefer to watch on their televisions at home; but aside from this tangential benefit, this has precious little else to offer. I expect Brad Pitt may skirt over this film in his career retrospective autobiography one day... Drivel!