This has to be in the running for turkey of the year. It's such a shameless example of bad storytelling, bad acting, and product placement that they might as well just have given you a goodie bag as you (prematurely) left the cinema replete with your Warner Brothers tattoo. It's centres around the son of LeBron James being kidnapped by an evil AI. The only way he can be rescued is by LBJ and his new bestie "Bugs Bunny" putting together a team that can win a basketball game against team selected by the AI. That's about the height of it - there are no characterisations worthy of note amongst the humans, and though it is quite nice to see some of Warner's cartoon characters on a big screen again, any nostalgia that evokes is soon washed away by the sheer naffness of this whole enterprise. Quite whom this is for is anyone's guess - but it sure wasn't for me...