If you've seen Humphrey Bogart's cracking desert adventure "Sahara" (1943) then you'll know what you are in for... A disparate band of cavalry soldiers, alongside a stagecoach party, are ambushed by a rogue band of Commanches . With the help of the young "Little Knife" (Johnny Stewart) who is also running from "Black Cloud" and his marauders, they take refuge in a remote ruin were they have just enough water to survive - but not for long; and soon there is a siege going on too - with their enemy as short of water as they are... What ensues is a tensely directed Mexican stand off, each trying to convince the other that they have the upper hand, but neither in a remotely strong position. Can they hold out til reinforcements arrive, or will "Black Cloud" prevail? André de Toth has produced one of these rare things - a remake that is as good as the original. Well almost, Broderick Crawford ("Sgt. Traitor") isn't quite Bogey, but the rest of it holds up really well - frequently having you reach for a glass of something to quench your thirst! There is plenty of action to keep it going, a teeny bit of romance from an on form Barbara Hale and it still holds up well - 70-odd years later.