I know it must be tempting to get the old cash cow out of the barn for one last miking, but this is just one temptation too far. It's not so much that the story is weak (it is), it's that it all takes far too long for the "Neo" (Keanu Reeves) and "Trinity" (Carrie-Anne Moss) characters to get up and running. Reeves has largely lost his freshness and vivacity and the baddies exude all the menace of a wet lettuce. At best the supporting casting borders on the bizarre - Jonathan Groff and Neil Patrick Harris are both far better sticking to their more familiar genres, and Jessica Henwick's "Bugs" character, though feisty, was just far too flat. The graphics are all old hat, as are the time-shifting themes and action scenes. There is plenty of gun totin', but nothing at all innovative. This was entertaining and escapist stuff first time around in 1999, but at 2½ hours this is slow and repetitive with some seriously wilting dialogue and the real time/their time narrative just bored me. It certainly looks good on a big screen, I fear what little it does have will not work at all on the television, but otherwise - sorry, this is poor.