movie backdrop

almost 3 years ago


a review by Manuel São Bento


"X pays homage to 70/80s classic slashers while simultaneously tackling important themes related to sexual pleasure/freedom, age, and self-acceptance in a deeper and more intelligent screenplay than meets the eye.

Ti West (In a Valley of Violence) returns six years after his last feature film with a clear vision of a story that mixes uninhibited pornography with the purest gore that can be found on the big screen, all wrapped up in a constantly captivating narrative and insane third act.

Mia Goth (Emma) shines tremendously with an imperceptible dual role that transforms a technically interesting movie into something truly impressive - makeup, visual/practical effects, and score deserve much praise.

As hilarious as it is terrifying, it will be hard to forget, regardless of where the viewer falls on the opinion spectrum."

Rating: B+