The Daily Wire's The Hyperions envisions itself as an atypical superhero story: part action flick, part comedy. However, it merely serves as proof that being different is not necessarily the same as being good. As a superhero movie, there was a noticeable lack of super powers, the budget for which was seemingly non-existent For an action flick, the movie was poorly paced, with brief moments of action being bookended by long, drawn-out stints of dialouge. For a comedy, laughs are few and far between, with it's signature dry-wit all too often falling flat. From a writing perspective, the script was poorly written, with plot elements floating in and out of the story as needed. While the movie's more artistic touches, such as hand drawn animation, were appreciated, they ultimately made little impact on the overall outcome. Overall, I found the movie's trailer to be far more enjoyable than the actual film. The Daily Wire dropped a real bomb with The Hyperions, a mistake they should take care not to repeat.