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almost 3 years ago

Jaws: The Revenge

a review by r96sk

Man, people really hate these last two sequels, eh?

I don't even think 'Jaws 3-D' is as awful as most fellow reviewers think and that's the case again with 'Jaws: The Revenge'. It's bad, but it's not that bad. It makes little sense, though to be fair it is from a franchise that is all about a huge human-killing shark; despite sharks, in fact, not actually being all that keen on our rotten flesh.

Michael Caine is somehow in this. Well, I say somehow... a trip to the Bahamas and a nice paycheck likely made it entirely logical from his view; as he reportedly stated himself. Lorraine Gary, meanwhile, spearheads an average support cast. Speaking of whom, I did find their dialogue and interactions to be very unnatural and forced.

5/10. There are many, many worse films out there though.