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8 months ago

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

a review by DallasBob

This wasn't bad at'all. The kids did very well as far as acting went. The special affects were very reminiscent of the past. (It seems as if they went with the same speical effects company or at least the same format--very good decision) And the story seemed to hold water very well.

Personal critiques (possible spoilers ahead) : I wish the kids had busted a few more ghosts. Perhaps make that a montage, while introducing us to what the rest of the OG Ghostbusters were up to in present day. But instead of that, the script had Dan Akroyd's Ray character explain it over the phone. Maybe if the production had used the montage, the OGs' recognize what's going on and decide to show up to help. Or maybe have the girl's teacher, Paul Rudd, try and find the OG's. In short, there didn't seem like there was enough action. The girl was a bit too egg-head smart-alecky for my taste, but that could just be the oily film of identity politics Hollywood likes to smear all over recognized franchises, affecting my view on that notion. I also was kinda expecting Slimer to show up. lol I was a big fan of the cartoon as a kid.

All in all they did very good with the film and honoring Harold Ramis in his passing. Depsite my personal wish list, this was a very good film for all audience ages. I gladly give it 3.75/5.