about 3 years ago


a review by DocTerminus

Kenneth Branagh is one of my favorite filmmakers. None of his films are flawless, but many are close. the one hit I think many of his pre-Hamlet films suffer from a fear of silence. The dialogue is often wall to wall, and when there is a gap, Patrick Doyle's musical scoring loudly fills it. I don't know if this critique is unique to me, but if it is not, then it appears Branagh is aware of - and addressing the issue with this short film.

LISTENING follows a woman who struggles with the world around her, all high in decibels. To regain her sanity she decides to visit a spa, a reclusive location where verbal conversation is not allowed. She tries to navigate without the daily talk to friends, without the use of a mobile phone.

As a short film, there aren't 3 acts to this film. In fact, it is what would only be a third act. Branagh gets his quiet study and ends it with a twist more commonly associated with Rod Serling.

As of this writing, the film is not available other than a horrible quality youtube video. I would recommend it for fans of Branagh, although passively.