An enigmatic actress full of baggage plays one of the most enigmatic people of the 20th century who had a bit of acting to do herself.
Diana’s stories are far too plentiful for one film - or even a series of them - so the film wisely keeps to only one chapter.
It’s a slow meditation with lots of time spent on expansive and beautiful shots of an ugly situation.
The big question for this film is the choice of the lead: How on earth did such as American actress like Stewart play someone dealing with the successors of the House of Stewart? Stewart shows the skills to pull it off with lots of breathlessness. Stewart spends the time being on the verge of cracking for the whole of the film and it's an impressive sight.
Stewart's Diana stands out just like the way the colour of her outfits provides a pop of colour to the mostly drab setting. Performances from the support cast are minimal with dialogue between the royal family are few and far between.
Music is classical and restrained with discordant jazz matching the discordant feelings going on in the rural estate
The clash of tradition and the new is at a the fore here like a flower beating against an armoured tank. It's where the new of Diana tries to prepare to enter an institution of centuries of tradition. This Diana is shown to completely and utterly not belong. The family is forever waiting for her and is even have here kept within barb wire fences like a prisoner. She desperately wants to cut these wires.
Parallels with Anne Boelyn are drawn - a woman who didn’t fair too well herself. The symbolism of Diana’s home reflects her past - something that is now gone for her, but she wants to desperately get back to it. There’s a distinct lack of love portrayed in the royal family.
Even the staff are models of military precision and tradition with Spall taking up the role of rules enforcer. The family and staff spend most of their time criticising Diana or ordering her about. They are always distant - Diana is mostly shown alone and needs a fantasy to get out of it.
The film is ultimately very sympathetic to Diana - the royal family aren’t much above the level of monsters.