movie backdrop

about 3 years ago


a review by r96sk

I remembered so much of this, and yet absolutely nothing of the plot.

’Casper’ is a film I must’ve watched so much as a young kid on video, the opening few scenes are very nostalgic. As noted though, I didn’t recall anything serious from this 1995 flick though. It’s a little deeper than I remember, with some adult themes touched on - the concluding scenes stand out in that regard.

I did remember the cast, however. Malachi Pearson is perfect as the voice of the titular character, while Christina Ricci is good in the lead live-action role. Bill Pullman spearheads the rest of the onscreen talent well. One casting note: A young Devon Sawa has a part, I recently watched him in television’s Chucky - which I’d recommend, fwiw. Another: Clint Eastwood makes a small cameo, as does a certain ghost hunter.

Just the checks notes four follow-ups have spawned from this release. Off we go...