The whole film is leftist TRASH! Its obvious Keanu is not behind this sham and simply did it for a paycheck! The story is terrible and BORING! CGI is the ONLY SAVE for this VERY SAD ENDING TO WHAT WAS (the first three films) the hottest and most exciting sci-fi shows ever filmed. NOBODY I KNOW thought this movie was worth the $14 Movie ticket!
I actually felt dumber after having wasted money on a ticket! From now on, I'll be reading reviews for EVERY new film I want to see - before I go... What a total letdown!
The last letdown was the new 007! What a JOKE! More total leftist trash! They're stealing all the best shows and turning them into a leftist socialist agenda and it REALLY SUCKS! The next 007 looks like a man, but its a WOMAN??! I MEAN, REALLY!? Get your own heroes! leave MY STAR TREK, The Matrix and JAMES BOND out of this political BS! As far as Matrix Resurrections goes... - Move along! NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Just being honest... I hate being right all the time.

about 3 years ago
The Matrix Resurrections
a review by ilive4fun