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over 3 years ago

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

a review by RADIO1'S MR. MOVIE!-MAD AMI 🌠

Yes . . . This Is A Big Fun Film, Period. But Given Cletus's BARBARIC Convenience Store Murder~ { A L O N E❗} How Is It Rated "PG13" Or Below 😲 . . . IN -{ THESE }- MANY DARN COUNTRIES❓

A -{ B I G }- Screen MINI Review ; Film Seen By Me -{ Twice }- ; First On Oct.20, And Then Nov. 04, '21.

Venom : "Time to die!!!" ( said by him as he and Eddie verge on a full on "War-charge" of the -genuinely- "Terrifying" looking Carnage ).

Eddie : " That’s the spirit ! ! "

Venom : "I mean us. -{ W E }- are going to die!!!".

A " UPSIDES-1ST, If You Please { I write " Exclusively Constructive ✅ " Reviews ; Here're Some Of The Movie's Plus-Points, Right Up Front } " : 1 : There's a LOT of -Very- entertaining humour right the way through "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" ( to be referred to henceforth as 'V2' ) . . . . from 'Eddie Brock' ( Tom Hardy )'s "Odd Couple" style interactions with 'Venom' ( also played by -Him- , of course ) . . . . to some often tender, and occasionally even genuinely -Moving- banter, within the undeniably funny "Love-quadrangle" of Eddie and Venom , along with 'Anne Weying' and 'Dr. Dan Lewis' ( Michelle Wiilliams and Reid Scott, respectively ). 2 : Tom Hardy succeeds -Phenomenally- , in delivering his "super-symbiotic" performance ; with an -{ ABSOLUTE }- degree of credibility. How I wish more people would only appreciate how ( -Incredibly- ) difficult it is to emote for two -very- different entities, -near- simultaneously, that exist within just -{ ONE SINGLE }- body. 3 : Venom's "Mardi-Gras Themed Nightclub Scene". Simply stated, it's just absofreakinglutely -{ H I 💥 😂 - larious }. What's more, if you're a -passionate- progressive ( in real life ), like me, then you are almost -certain- to completely -{ Adore }- the 'horrible yet affable' Antihero's -equally- passionate appeal to stop "Cruelty Against ALIENS" . . . just a 'Glorious', ( albeit somewhat implicit ) message about the need to be -'Kinder'- to immigrants, documented or otherwise, delivered just -as- 'Gloriously' . . . ( Need I really say more ? ).

B " ( PLEASE ) , Let There Be Common Sense ! " : 1 : There are some -{ Extreme }- abuse & violence related thematic elements in a film that is rated 'PG-13' ( Or Below ! ) in at least -Fifteen- countries, & that's -just- on IMDb's -very limited- "Certications" list, -{ ALONE ! }- . 2 : In a nutshell : the ( entirety ) of the -Story- , per se , feels a little too -{ " SIMPLISTIC 🤷‍♂️ " }- ; not to mention the picture's almost -{ "Confoundingly" }- short, & somewhat "Disappointing", frankly, runtime of 97 minutes ; for what is essentially a -{ MARVEL }- cinematic offering. So here is perhaps -{ The }- most significant reason for -Why- that was the case, in my best estimation. Tom Hardy and Kelly Marcel, V2's storywriters . . . . -{ collectively }- lacked the requisite experience to rise to the indubitably -gargantuan- task of ( -Adequately- ) enthralling a whole -Planet- ; one that has now become -Altogether- used to watching 'PHENOMENALLY' entertaining Marvel fare, and there's really no other way to say it. Tom, ( whom I 'Admire To Death' as a -performer- , I definitely ought to point out here ), had only two✌ -STORY- writing credits to his name prior to V2 , with Kelly logging just three👌 . . . { counting 'Individual' TV Series, but -Not- counting 'Shorts' ( short films ), of course }. 3 : A " MASSIVE " Missed Opportunity : It is -indeed- not all that often that we see a quintessential 'Popcorn-blockbuster' flick make a -significant- effort to -Humanize- the villain by way of their -{ Early Childhood Experiences }- , no matter -how- evil they nay be shown as being. For V2 to first -very- SUCCESSFULLY achieve this with the "Supremely" prolific actor Woody Harrelson's 'Carnage' ...( finalé )... only to have said moment -Utterly- invalidated just a few cinematic beats later ( -you'll know when you see it- ) was quite the let down, 'Alas' 😔

C " FINAL SUMMARY " : I have absolutely -{ N O }- doubt in my mind that had V2 been roughly 'a good 23 minutes' longer ( -At Least- , in order to make for a more "Marvel-like" runtime of Two-full-hours ) ; that I would have given it a mimimum score of '8 out of 10', without a moment's thought. -That- , in addition of course, to my "Titular-gripe" . . . ( me being the -Doting- parent that I like to think I am ), brings me to the conclusion that this -nonetheless- { Undeniably } Fun, Exciting, "Idiosyncratic Delight" of a Movie is -Still- most definitely worthy of -{ 7.50 'Rock-Solid' Marks Out Of 10 }- . . . . NOTWITHSTANDING 🔥