movie backdrop

over 3 years ago

Man with the Gun

a review by Wuchak

Well done town-bound Western with Robert Mitchum, albeit in B&W

A gunman (Robert Mitchum) strolls into town in the Old West and is hired as a town-tamer. Henry Hull plays the aged and cautious marshal while John Lupton and Emile Meyer appear as citizens. Leo Gordon and Claude Akins are on hand as heavies.

"Man with the Gun" (1955) is a quality town-bound Western with Robert Mitchum towering as a laconic righteous gunfighter. The stock plot is standard, but the cast, the writing, the performances and the convincing town set make it compelling.

Another highlight is the stellar cast of women, including Jan Sterling (Nelly), Barbara Lawrence (Ann), Karen Sharpe (Stella) and Angie Dickinson (Kitty), all stunning.

The only issue is the lack of color unless you don't mind B&W. I had no problem acclimating.

The film runs 1 hour, 24 minutes, and was shot at Samuel Goldwyn Studios in West Hollywood, California.