Each to their own, as always, but for me: Incredible!
I was fully aware of 'Joker' ever since its release, impossible not to be given the extraordinary hype that surrounded it, but it still absolutely surpassed my expectations - a sensational film. I adored every second of this; and I'm not even a Joker/DC Comics etc. 'fan'.
Joaquin Phoenix gives an astonishingly outstanding performance as the titular character, undoubtedly one of the greatest showings that I've ever seen from an actor. I'm not one that takes notice of awards, but he is fully deserving of anything of that ilk that he won due to this. Quality!
Everything else about the film is fantastic. Great score, great cinematography, great pacing... it's all just utterly superb and makes for a spectacular watch. I love that they avoided just going wall-to-wall crazy with this, don't get me wrong things get mad but there's more to it than just violence et al.
I had presumed that I was going to enjoy this, but it honestly smashed any predictions I had about it before seeing it. Even after just one viewing, I can already state it's one of my favourite films. Excellent!