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about 3 years ago

Zack Snyder's Justice League

a review by sykobanana

This is DC's best so far...easily.
Although not flawless- there are a couple of scenes that didnt need to be included - this is the version that we needed to see.
There is so much more time given to the characters in this, the plot is better thought out and structured, and Steppenwolf is no longer a joke. There is actually an urgency in his battles with the JL now. And OMG, Darkseid and Desaad look and sound boss.
The recruitment is harder, the fight between the JL and Supes and then the JL and Steppenwolf is more brutal, and Superman's 'recovery' is better paced and makes more sense. This also follows directly on from BVS and links directly into Aquaman. And the closing cover of Hallelujah is glorious (it near comes close to Jeff Buckley's angelic version)

It's flaws - Timing of release - I need to watch this in a cinema. FU WB for not giving Snyder the time to finish this as he envisioned. THIS is what we should have gotten, not the tripe that was Josstice League. This movie shows that Snyder was not just trying to catch up to Marvel, he was their own version of their stories and it should have been allowed to come to the end of the cycle.
Also, I was underwhelmed by the score and would have loved Zimmer to have returned to complete this.
And there are a couple of initial set-up scenes that could have been let go or shortened and the gapping continuity error scene in the middle where the JL get introduced to Alfred after theyve already met him should have just been left out.

But we got what we asked for - the Snyder Cut in its entirety. And I am grateful for that...thankyou.

Now, could we please create ZSJL2 so we can see the Injustice and Darkseid stories.