This was a first-time watch for me so seeing this fantasy film from 1983 directed by Peter Yates with music by James Horner which is kind of funny because the music kind of reminded me of Star Trek just a little bit but I have to say that the beginning battle seems kind of awkward but once the young prince ended up running into his ragtag band of Misfits and outlaws as you journey to save his one true love it was definitely a difference fantasy world where I could see both creature effects as well as some very decent CGI effects when it came to the destruction of each of the creatures every time one was killed it's like lightning shot up through the heads and this alien creature kind of slipped out each time. There were two characters that I recognized one being that of Ergo the Magnificent the man that kept changing into different animals but was kind of a bumbling fool I remember seeing him play the teacher of Charlie in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The musical that involved Gene Wilder and a young Liam Neeson who we will know as the lead star of the film Taken. This film had a little bit of everything it was a hodgepodge fantasy film that mixed dark magic with that of sorcery and combined a little bit of the mystical. When it came down to the final battle in the palace that was never in the same place twice however there were a couple of scenes that slightly dragged but it all came around full circle and I surprised myself that I have not seen this before. I would say that this is an odd film that is out there in left field and I would definitely recommend it for others who enjoy films of this nature to at least see it once. I relatively enjoyed the film and believe that it is definitely a cult classic. I really hate giving films any kind of a star rating as i find it degrading but this site gives me no choice.