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over 3 years ago

Hold Your Breath

a review by Kamurai

Decent watch, could watch again, but can't recommend outside of a Bad Movie Night.

This is, when it comes to it, a horrible version of "Fallen", so go watch that instead.

However, this movie is a lot more fun, with some really bad cg and over emphasized drama.

Katrina Bowden ("Tucker and Dale vs Evil") is by far the best acting in this, with Marie Ann Hogan a show stealing second.

While an evil body hopping ghost sounds cool, the execution has to be done correctly with the appropriate amount of gravitas and this movie just fails across the board in so many ways.

The lines, the fighting, the effects are all bad, but the cast manage to pull off a somewhat endearing dynamic and the journey is just good enough that I would sit through it and laugh at it all again.