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about 3 years ago

Wonder Woman 1984

a review by Ricardo Oliveira

1984, a sequel to the fantastic "Wonder Woman", which showed a cool breeze in the middle of a saturated superhero cinematic market, is a fantastic continuation of the story of our favourite super heroine. Lighter in action, but thematically profound, this may not be a film that pleases everyone.

Let's start with the positives: Gal Gadot, as a wonder woman, continues to prove to be the perfect choice to play the part. The actress maintains a strong bond with the audience , really showing all the strong emotions that the character feels during the course of the story. Without her, the film would lose something really essential: her soul.

The story, thematically linked to greed, our deepest desires and selfishness, provides a journey of development for the characters that makes us reassess certain attitudes taken throughout our lives. The story seeks to develop each of the characters, and this is what gives it so much strength.

Chris Pine, as Steve Trevor, is also one of the film's high points, and his chemistry with Gadot remains explosive, providing the film with an engaging romance that will make anyone feel warm inside.

The film is completely different from the first, its style is radically changed, becoming lighter, like a cartoon we watched on Saturday morning as children. For some, dramatic stylistic change may be a negative factor, but in a year of so much suffering, lightness and hope are exactly what we need to abstract ourselves from real life for two hours.

When it comes to action, the film is not as explosive as first, it is contained and the action sequences, though incredible, are scarce. In a two and a half hour film, this may entice some to feel bored. But in my opinion, the film never slows down because of the incredible characters and their interactions.

As far as the most negative points of the film are concerned, I would say that the rope of suspension of credibility is really stretched during the duration of the film and we are asked to accept really ridiculous things that come out of nowhere. The film is also very cheesy, with sequences that can be considered lame and dull.

All in all, however, this film is a glimmer of hope and joy in a dark and desperate year. I strongly advise you to watch it, it's two hours of fun, with no problems and smiles in the mix. Although not perfect, and inferior to the first, this sequel is worthy of the adjective "Wonder".